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Member or partner?

If you wish to join the EURES network, you can apply to Actiris to do so as a member or as a partner. Note the differences.

A EURES member carries out the three EURES tasks:

  • It adds to the job vacancy reserves on the EURES portal.
  • It provides the reserves of applicants and CVs.
  • It helps workers and employers:
    • It provides information, helps write job offers, applications and CVs.
    • It provides details of post-recruitment assistance and indicates service providers.
    • It facilitates access to information on the living and working conditions in the country of destination, on the social security system there as well as on the national framework for apprenticeships and internships and access to vocational training.

Some organisations are unable to carry out all three EURES tasks but can carry out only some of them. In this case they can join the EURES network as a partner.

The procedure 

To become a member or partner of EURES, you must meet all the criteria set out in the call for expressions of interest and follow the procedure described therein. Consult this page regularly to find out about the latest calls for expressions of interest.


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