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Our added value

  • Advertising your traineeship vacancy on
  • Free shortlisting of Brussels traineeship candidates for a period of 3 or 6 months
  • Follow-up with the employer and the trainee before, during and after the placement
  • Provision of a financial grant to each trainee


Conditions to benefit from our international shortlisting service

  • You must have a business registration number and be in good financial standing
  • You must have a registered office and the trainee's work premises must be located within a member country of the European Economic Area or Switzerland
  • You must have a minimum of two full-time employees (salaried or partners) at the traineeship location;
  • You must offer a 3 or 6 month full-time traineeship
  • You must offer a "learning" traineeship, i.e. one aimed at enhancing and/or acquiring the professional skills required to perform a job in the field in question at the end of the traineeship
  • You must nominate a mentor who is an expert in regards to the specific educational and technical content of the proposed traineeship
  • You must provide the trainee with equipment and a work space adapted to his/her tasks and responsibilities so that he/she can carry out the tasks assigned to him/her

Contact us

Interested in our international shortlisting service to hire a trainee? Send us a full description of your traineeship offer via

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